C3 Cares is the umbrella brand for our local mission. It exists to help people in need, crisis or isolation in our local communities. We provide perishable and non perishable food items from our food bank, and warm winter essentials, to people linked with our C3 community and through our partners Pillars, Heart for Youth and the local schools we have relationships with. We also deliver care packs weekly to those who have had an illness, suffered loss or had the birth of a baby - a beautiful surprise for those in our church community who need some extra special love and attention. The testimonies of these packs arriving ‘just in time’, or when someone needed to know that ‘God cares’, is heart warming to hear and reveals the power of a simple gift of kindness.
There are many ways to be involved with C3 Cares:
Contribute items towards a pack - drop to Ellerslie location through the week, or at any of our church locations on Sunday.
Pay for a shop - Groceries ordered online and delivered straight to the home of those in need.
Make or buy a meal and drop off on Sunday to our Ellerslie location.
Join our packing and distribution team.
You can give by automatic payment via the bank account 03 0195 0236880 005 - Please reference ‘C3 Cares’.
When you give to C3 Cares we can provide you with a giving number so that you can claim your giving back on your tax return each year. To get a giving number click here.
If you need help, or want to nominate a family please email help@c3.org.nz

C3 Cares & Pillars
Pillars is a charity that works with children who have a parent in prison. Their vision is to support these children to have crime-free futures. There are 23,000 children affected and Pillars has been working in this area for 31 years. When a parent goes to prison, the children left behind have an uncertain future. As well as the possibility of less family resources or a change of school or caregiver, they must also learn to live with the stigma of being the child of a person in prison.
And none of this is the fault of the child.
Pillars works with these children and their families to help them all have lives which are positive and contribute to healthy and successful futures. They do this through programmes which range across mentoring for the children and wrap around services for the families and whanau. They work in prisons and the community and have a team of well trained, experienced staff around the country.
Care Boxes will be sent to Pillars’ families that are in need.
C3 Cares & Heart for Youth
The Mission of Heart for Youth is “To accept, connect, equip and encourage youth & young adults through the integration of training processes and programs covering life skills/ values, self-awareness, self-esteem/ self-discipline principles and personal growth of all youth/young adults from any ethnicities - inclusive of youth at risk, those marginalised, underprivileged and those having special needs or disabilities in Aotearoa New Zealand”
H4Y work with vulnerable families and children and we are delighted to partner with them.

An initiative we started in 2021 has been to run community meals in our Manukau, West Auckland and Whangarei locations. Once a month the invitation is given to vulnerable members of the local community to come and enjoy a hot meal with our team. A delicious, heart warming, meal is prepared for those in need - completely free. During the night there is an opportunity to win prizes - through a fun game - and a brief message of hope is shared.