We have ministries tailored to every stage of life, from mums and bubs through to marketplace leaders

YP is the Young Professionals Community of C3 church and exists for anyone aged 27 to their 30s. At YP we believe that living life the Jesus way is supposed to be done together in the context of church community. We believe church is not an event you attend, but a family you belong to. We’re committed to helping young professionals grow in their faith and reach their redemptive potential. Our heart is to see young professionals not shrink back or settle for a safe, ordinary life, but to position themselves front and centre in all that God is doing in this world.
What We Do
Connect groups
We have connect groups that meet fortnightly focussed on getting deeper into the word, prayer, and community (plus there’s often food involved).
Sunday Eats
We love sharing food, spinning yarns, and hearing people’s stories after our Sunday services. We’re spoilt for choice as far as eateries here in Auckland, so let us know you’re keen to come along or find one of the team on a Sunday to find out where we’re heading.
YP Socials
Throughout the year we run social events for young professionals to connect and meet each other.

Change is a collective of young adults (ages 17 - 27).
We usually have something happening every Wednesday all across Auckland, whether it’s connect groups, prayer meetings, dinner parties, or young adult gatherings.
What We Do
These gatherings run 6 times a year and include worship, messages that will meet you where you’re at in your stage of life and some of the cool testimonies of what Jesus is doing in the lives of some of our young adults.
Connect Groups
Our connect groups meet fortnightly, where you’ll find a small crew of other young adults you can eat with and relate to, all while engaging in God’s word and prayer. If you're a university student, tradie or even just think of yourself as a young adult, get in touch and come along.
To join a connect group near you or to find out more

Primal Youth is the youth ministry of C3 Church. With over 20 years of history Primal has spread across the country and has seen youth churches planted in every city in New Zealand. Primal runs youth meetings that are targeted towards and relevant to high school youth aged 14 – 18.
What We Do
We Run Services every week
Meetings are filled with great music, inspired preaching, sports, hangouts, good food, and heaps more! Come and check out primal this week!
Connect Groups
Our connect groups meet fortnightly, where you’ll find a small crew of other youth you can eat with and relate to, all while engaging in God’s word and prayer.
Come Join us this Friday at 7pm!
FastTrack is a dynamic, exciting, and relevant youth ministry. Every week, youth aged 11-13 come together for a one-of-a-kind meeting. We are all about young people finding meaning in life through Christ. We believe that every young person is unique and awesome. If you are between the ages of 11-13 then come join us!

C3 Kids is a place where children of all ages can find God. From the youngest to the oldest, your child will learn about the love of Christ in a fun environment. Children are encouraged every week through inspirational bible stories. Why not bring your children to us while you enjoy the main service. It is a great way for your family to grow together in God!

Toddlerock is a music and dance program for parents and toddlers. Bring them along for a dance and play while enjoying a coffee or three with other parents from around both Ellerslie and Albany areas. A great morning of fun for the kids and a great way to catch up with friends and make a few new ones!
Every Tuesday (during the school term) - 10am
C3 Church
20 Cawley Street
Donation $5
Includes Morning Tea